Saturday, September 3, 2011

I'll Fly Away

Hey, guess what? I'm blogging from way above the clouds. I'm currently on my flight from Boston to Atlanta to visit my family. I really enjoy actual air travel, but I'm not fond of the things that now accompany the process. Don't even get me started about having to pay to check a bag! I'm glad that 10 years post-9/11 getting through security is relatively easy, but do we REALLY need the full-body scanner? Yep, I had to stand in that baby. I hope they like what they saw, hahaha!!!! Right now I'm enjoying my complimentary snacks. Lord knows I'm not going to pay Delta for a granola bar when I could've brought one from home...Anyway, I'm psyched to see my family after almost nine months and I'm ready to have some fun :-).


  1. Have a great time! I know you will. xoxo Give everyone kisses for me.

  2. You got the full body scan? Ha, ha. They should give you the results and save you money on a mammogram. Have a great week.

  3. Oh how I dread whatever emergency makes me take a flight somewhere because I sure have avoided it all this time of the full body scan. Makes me cringe.

    Topaz did amble over and she's trying on pearls and other beads with Admiral.

    Have a fabulous time..great hearing from you enroute. xxoo
